Contest Information

Contest Information

1 Mar 2024, 8:00PM HKT - 3 Mar 2024, 8:00PM HKT
Online jeopardy-style CTF competition
Application Deadline: 29 Feb 2024, 8:00 PM HKT
Application form: here

Challenge Types

Binary Exploitation
Reverse Engineering
Web Exploitation
and more...

Competition Catergories

Secondary School
All full-time secondary school students in Hong Kong (Max 2 teams per school)

Tertiary Institution
Full-time students in Higher Diploma, Associate Degree studying in Hong Kong (No limitation per institutions)

Invited Team
The teams invited by the organizers will participate in the competition, and the invited teams will not be included in the rankings for any secondary school or tertiary categories.


This contest is a team competition. Maximum number of team members is FOUR. Each team/participant can only join ONE of the categories.

Participants within same team should from the same school/institution, no cross-school or institution is allowed.

The team/participant must obey and follow the rules below. The organisers remain the final decision on eligibility of each team.

Write-up Verification

Top 5 teams of each category (except invited teams) are required to submit proof of their efforts (write-up) of 3 solved challenges randomly selected by the organisers. The organisers will confirm the final ranking after verification of the write-ups is completed.

Team Name

Team name is composed of two parts: Team ID and Team name. The team name is either the name of the school/institution or any self-defined name duration registration. The naming format of each category is shown below:

Secondary School

Self-defined name in English with a maximum of 32 alphabet, numbers, special characters, or assigned by the organiser
Name format is {Team ID} – {School name of the members} | {Team ID} – {self-defined name}
E.g. S0001 – Hung Hom East Secondary School
E.g. S0002 – >_< team haha >_<

Tertiary Institution

Self-defined name in English with a maximum of 32 alphabet, numbers, special characters, or assigned by the organiser
Name format is {Team ID} – {School name of the members} | {Team ID} – {self-defined name}
E.g. T0001 – CUHK, T0002 – PolyU, T0003 – AbcdU
E.g. T0004 – CTFlovers

Invited Team

Self-defined name in English with a maximum of 32 alphabet, numbers, special characters
Name format is {Team ID} – {Team name of the members}
E.g. I0001 – CTFExpert

The organisers reserve the right to change your team name at any time without prior notice.


- Top-5 teams of each category are required to submit Write-ups
- Team names should not contain any sexual, violent, hostile, or political content. Format of Team Names is stated in the aforementioned "Team Name" section.
- Only ONE account is allowed per team.
- Secondary school category: Maximum two teams per school. The number of teams is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Tertiary institution category: No limitation on the number of teams per institution.
- Representatives of the Contest Organising Committee and sponsor(s) of the Contest are not eligible to join this contest.
- The organizers will officially announce the champion, first runner-up, and second runner-up after confirming and verifying the write-ups from the top five teams. To ensure the fairness of the competition, further investigation and questioning may be needed if any suspicious activities are found during/after the competition.
- Do not interrupt the CTF platform by any means, including but not limited to the following:
    - Unauthorized modification of the scoreboard
    - Generate excessive load
    - Launch denial of service attack
    - Attack any machine or service other than the designated challenges
    - Physical attack
- No cheating or interrupt the Contest, such as:
    - Asking for flags
    - Sharing flags
    - Deleting flags
    - Intentionally prevent other teams from submitting flags
- No social engineering attack on other teams or the organizer.
- Physical security attack of any kind is not allowed.
- In the discord chatroom:
    - Do not send any violent, obscene, indecent political content or violate discord policy content.
    - Don’t upload any file that infringes any copyrights and intellectual property rights.
- If any issues occur during the Contest, participants shall report them to the organizers immediately.
- Do not share any content or details of the CTF challenges with anyone before the end of the contest.
- Any abuse or violation of the Rules will result in penalties, including but not limited to disqualification and deprivation of winning titles.
- Should there be disputes about the prizes and rankings, organizers shall reserve the right to the final decision.
- The organizers reserve all rights to the final decision of the competition.