The rapid progression of internet technology and applications has brought significant improvements to our quality of life and work productivity that we would never have imagined before. From buying coffee to conducting business worldwide, our modern way of life would undoubtedly be impossible without such inventions. However, the success of the internet also gave rise to a variety of novel cybersecurity issues that we have never seen before, like ransomware, data leak, privacy…etc. We are often causing irreparable damage to us and society as a whole. There is a high demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals who can solve these problems to protect our way of life and the foundation of our society.
Thus, the goal of our competition is to nurture the next generation of students who have a keen interest in working in the field of Cybersecurity and Information Security, to let them develop the skills that are needed for them to thrive in this industry, as well as to expand their problem-solving mindset, providing training for them to handle the ever-changing world of technology and deal with any challenges they may face.
While Technology Education (TechEd) might be our primary focus, we would also like to extend our reach to the professionals and experts in the field to let them stay in touch with the younger generation to learn in both ways and to facilitate knowledge exchange. Industry experts might want to keep an eye on young talents and know what they want, and students can also learn from experts what the industry demands are now.
Therefore, with the support of Keysight, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the PolyU CTF team NuttyShell will jointly organise the PolyU x NuttyShell cybersecurity CTF 2024 (the competition). A competition designed with education and professional connection in mind to promote the exchange of knowledge and nurture young information security talents, challenging them and preparing them to solve complex cybersecurity issues and shape the cybersecurity landscape in Hong Kong for the better!